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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Put Fundae

The lower picture shows mathematician John Conway posing for a photograph, wearing a shirt with the Conway circle (named after him) on it. More here.


appuchin said...

conway's circle

indian said...

CONWAY'S CIRCLE -- John Conway has a T-shirt with his theorem on it.
If you continue the sides of a triangle beyond every vertex at the distances equaling to the length of the opposite side, the resulting six points lie on a circle, which is called Conway’s circle.

Kaushik said...

conway circle

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Put Fundae

The lower picture shows mathematician John Conway posing for a photograph, wearing a shirt with the Conway circle (named after him) on it. More here.


appuchin said...

conway's circle

indian said...

CONWAY'S CIRCLE -- John Conway has a T-shirt with his theorem on it.
If you continue the sides of a triangle beyond every vertex at the distances equaling to the length of the opposite side, the resulting six points lie on a circle, which is called Conway’s circle.

Kaushik said...

conway circle