Answer: Mona Simpson, Homer's mother, is named after Steve Jobs' sister - an American novelist. More here.
Anon came closest to cracking it.
Source: The Unofficial Steve Jobs Life Timeline, Wikipedia
NSIT has a rich quizzing tradition. This blog aims to document the happenings at the NSIT Quiz Club. Also, we will preview and review quizzes in the Delhi Circle. Quizzers Rejoice!
Jobs was also parodied in "Mypods and Boomsticks", a 2008 The Simpsons episode which features an adventure into the 'world' of Mapple, MyPods, and "Steve Mobbs".
the connect is "The Simpsons:Mapple Store";in which the simpsons(20th season) take a mock at Apple and Lisa gets a Mypod.
Apple Computers and Gwyneth Paltrow+Chris Martin's daughter's name is Apple. The connect would be Apple.
An answer, a rant and a question all in one!
Chapter 1: The Rant
During my time as the Diogenes of Sinope of Delhi college quizzing (possibly minus the wisdom), NSIT's Australia-esque domination of college quizzing lead one to believe that the questions on this here blog would be of a certain standard. This question, as entertaining as it is, does not fulfill the criteria of being an NSIT-QC level question. How can I say that? I know the answer! I knew it in fractions of a second! And when I can answer a question, you know it's a sitter.
The Answer:
Both have daughters named Lisa. (Possibly homage by Groening?)
And a question to replace it, if you will:
(Since I never got to organize a quiz myself, I have questions that are begging to be asked)
1. Friends (as in the ridiculously popular TV sitcom and not the concept of friendship itself)
2. Das Simpsoner (The Simpsons, for the surreal humor challenged)
3. Harish Patel (not related to me)
richard appel (apple int the image) wrote an episode for simpson's where homer reunites with his mother,mona simpson(also wife of richard appel)
Jobs was also parodied in "Mypods and Boomsticks", a 2008 The Simpsons episode which features an adventure into the 'world' of Mapple, MyPods, and "Steve Mobbs".
the connect is "The Simpsons:Mapple Store";in which the simpsons(20th season) take a mock at Apple and Lisa gets a Mypod.
Apple Computers and Gwyneth Paltrow+Chris Martin's daughter's name is Apple. The connect would be Apple.
An answer, a rant and a question all in one!
Chapter 1: The Rant
During my time as the Diogenes of Sinope of Delhi college quizzing (possibly minus the wisdom), NSIT's Australia-esque domination of college quizzing lead one to believe that the questions on this here blog would be of a certain standard. This question, as entertaining as it is, does not fulfill the criteria of being an NSIT-QC level question. How can I say that? I know the answer! I knew it in fractions of a second! And when I can answer a question, you know it's a sitter.
The Answer:
Both have daughters named Lisa. (Possibly homage by Groening?)
And a question to replace it, if you will:
(Since I never got to organize a quiz myself, I have questions that are begging to be asked)
1. Friends (as in the ridiculously popular TV sitcom and not the concept of friendship itself)
2. Das Simpsoner (The Simpsons, for the surreal humor challenged)
3. Harish Patel (not related to me)
richard appel (apple int the image) wrote an episode for simpson's where homer reunites with his mother,mona simpson(also wife of richard appel)
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