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Monday, May 10, 2010

Waiting for a chessboard?

What's happening here?


goatboi said...

Performance artist Anya Liftig costumed herself as Marina Abramovic’s double (long blue dress, sideswept braid) and sat across the table from Abramovic all day long last Saturday, March 27th, during Abramovic’s marathon performance piece “The Artist is Present,” part of her current retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art. Liftig considered her action to constitute a performance of her own, and even has a title for it: “The Anxiety of Influence.”

Unknown said...

Performance artist Anya Liftig costumed herself as Marina Abramovic’s double and sat across the table from Abramovic all day long, during Abramovic’s marathon performance piece “The Artist is Present"

Gokul said...

Marina Abramovic performing "The Artist is Present"

navinpai said...

Staring competition?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Waiting for a chessboard?

What's happening here?


goatboi said...

Performance artist Anya Liftig costumed herself as Marina Abramovic’s double (long blue dress, sideswept braid) and sat across the table from Abramovic all day long last Saturday, March 27th, during Abramovic’s marathon performance piece “The Artist is Present,” part of her current retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art. Liftig considered her action to constitute a performance of her own, and even has a title for it: “The Anxiety of Influence.”

Unknown said...

Performance artist Anya Liftig costumed herself as Marina Abramovic’s double and sat across the table from Abramovic all day long, during Abramovic’s marathon performance piece “The Artist is Present"

Gokul said...

Marina Abramovic performing "The Artist is Present"

navinpai said...

Staring competition?