This pic depicts the statistical distribution of a certain 'event' which gained prominence by creating a record of sorts 2 years ago.
Put fundas.
Answer: It shows the number of downloads of Firefox 3 that took place on Download Day. Google for more. :-)
Cracked completely by M.O.P and Rohit M. while John Rebus, S and Rohit were close.
Firefox 3 download "intensity"
Firefox 3 had more than 8 million unique downloads the day it was released, setting a Guinness World Record.
This is the distribution of number of downloads of Firefox from June 17 to June 18.
It's the Guinness record for most software downloaded in a single day.
This is the distribution of number of downloads of Firefox from June 17 to June 18.
It's the Guinness record for most software downloaded in a single day.
The number of downloads of Mozilla Firefox 3.
Firefox downloads
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