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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Infinite Bounce

Just happened upon this and this.

I remember the first time I was introduced to infinite bounce. It was in a school quiz, conducted by college students. We were told that it was the only fair way to play, that it could be (and had been) mathematically proven to be fairer than the standard direct/pass system.

Admittedly, my experience with quizzes conducted on the infinite bounce pattern been has been good (most shady and/or blatantly rigged quizzes, tend to use the direct/pass pattern) for the most part. Still, the system seems arbitrary. Here's why -

One argument for infinite bounce is that it eliminates the scoring bias for direct questions, and ensures that the team which answers the most questions, wins. Agreed. But could this not also be ensured by letting all questions - direct or pass, carry equal marks?

Another argument for infinite bounce is that it introduces randomness in the order of questions, and hence eliminates rigging. This seems a bit fishy. E.g. if the QM is reading out the questions, what is to stop him/her from picking the question to suit the team? One (again, not fool-proof) way to introduce randomness is to let the teams select their own questions, from a given set. Again, this could be implemented in any sort of quiz, not just an infinite bounce one.

The most common (and the most surprising) argument for infinite bounce, is that it ensures that each team has the opportunity to answer the same number of questions. As someone who has sat through several quizzes, watching questions getting passed this way and that, only to be eaten up by the God-like quizzers sitting two teams away, while the lucky team to their side gets first dibs on the next question, I have my reservations. While it may be more efficient for quizzes with 8-10 teams (as the wiki mentions), for Delhi quizzes, with their meagre turnout, it may well be inertia that prevents us from changing.

Please share your views. Also, if someone knows of a proof, please post a link.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008


A very easy one. Who is the man in the center of the frame?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Identify and Connect

As earlier, if you get the individual clues but not the connect, do post in the comments section. It may help others work it out. All text is wiki-lifted :).


2. At the Atlanta premiere of X (the clue), local promoters recruited blacks to dress up as slaves and sing in a "Negro choir" on the steps of a white-columned plantation mansion built for the event. Many black community leaders refused to participate, but a prominent Atlanta preacher A attended, and he brought his 10-year-old son, B, who sang that night in the choir. (A and B are irrelevant to the connect).

3. A is located in the city of Fairview, in the fictional Eagle State. Its appearance reflects the stereotypical view of American suburbia: perfectly manicured lawns, rows of comfortable houses and white picket fences. It is the main setting of X (the clue). (A is irrelevant to the connect).

Additional Clue (1 to 3 identified in the comments)

"We don't want to create embryos just for research. We want to rescue these cells from the garbage...I don't understand how you can be opposed to that. I don't."

The Fingerprint & The Fed

1. In 2005-2007, it was recognized as the "Most Admired" securities firm in Fortune’s "America's Most Admired Companies" survey, and second overall in the security firm section.
NYSE Ticker Symbol: BSC. Identify.

2. Give me the complete title of the book.

3. Connect.


Here is a question that i just made up and am really really tempted to put.... its somewhat vague, but i'll put it anyway, with a hint.
The list shown below is not exhaustive to the connect, but includes the more popular names:

Hint: 3.20682267 years

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Identify and Connect

I was planning to use this in the Moksha AV Quiz, but it was too easy for an open quiz.This is a very stripped down version of the connect. As a result, some connections are vague.

Hint - Shady Actress. Famous relative. Identify the relative.

Additional Info -
"For his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in A(not relevant to connect) and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style."

2. Movie trivia - In the movie, 'The Shawshank Redemption' , when Warden Norton opens the bible where Andy Dufresne hid his rock pick, it opens to the Book of X.

3. Movie trivia - As a publicity stunt for this film, Cecil B. DeMille had public displays and monuments of the X erected around the country. Known as decalogues, most of them were placed in or near government buildings.



Additional Clue (1 to 5 identified in the comments)

Answered by Vivek Krishnan and Abhiram.

Friday, March 14, 2008

One Shot

This man gave the idea in one of his books. Who is he and what was the idea?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


1. What is the umpire signaling?

It harks back to when I was a kid playing village cricket down in Devon... I would usually jump, but maybe hop depending on what time of day it is, how long I've been out there or how hot the weather is... Then I did it in my second Test match at Edgbaston and someone wrote into dear old Brian Johnston on Test Match Special and he let the cat out of the bag... I've been stuck with it ever since!
Identify the speaker. What is he talking about?

3. An insignificant question. Identify.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tata Crucible Campus Edition 2008 - Delhi Round

The questions were okayish. The prizes were definitely good. Harkirat and SMS from IMT Ghaziabad went on to win the Delhi round of Tata Crucible Campus Edition 2008.

Here are the Questions:

1. Which confectionary brand is named after a village near Malegaon, Nasik where its factory was originally based.

2. It is a block that houses addresses in NYC. It is named after a newspaper/media house.

3. Identify the logo -

4. Mehnga Ram works for Beat-All Sports. What is his contribution to Indian Sports?

5. This product was invented in 1846 from healing tea and witch hazel to heal cuts and bruises. Used today commonly as a cosmetic. (Pickbrain: I bet that someone in the hall has one right now.)

6. This automobile company entered the US motorcycle market in 1964. A chart-topping song of 1964 called Little ________ paid tribute to this product. Name the Company.

7. Award winning ad for which brand?

8.The first demo for this 'accessory was carried out in 1968 by Joint Computing in San Francisco. The name was coined at Stanford Research Institute. What?

9. Robert Townsend gave this cheeky ad campaign with a 3 word punchline. It is one of the famous ones in the transportation Industry.

10. Which Indian company or group is associated with Kiwi Shoe Polish?

11. Identify the Brand

12. This management guru is famous for his 14 principles of management. He wrote the book, Administration industrielle et generali which was published in 1917. Who?

13.Which character was named after Mr.Segale, landlord of Nintendo's US Office?

14. Balmer and Lawrie and Co., engaged in packaging of LPG cylinders is a ____ enterprise by?

15. World of travel Accesories. Identify.

16. He is the MD of Labour India Magazine based in Kerala. He is famous because he will be the first Indian to do something. What?(Name of the person is optional)

17. Chaudhry Raghuvendra Singh founded the company in 1946 and in 1961, his son-in-law joined the company and is at the helm of affairs now. Name the Company.

18. Who is the Distributor of the movie "Sunday"? [Audio clip was played from the movie. Hint: it is ________ Entertainment]

19. Identify the product.- Liril Soundtrack

20. Whose ad campaign? [ Video- Happydent White ]

Questions from the Wildcard Rounds:

1. Which newspaper from Times Of India, Indian Express and Hindustan Times had its office inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi?

2. What was inaugurated on 19th November, 1984 by Rajiv Gandhi?

3. Italian fashion giant Armani has a joint Venture with which Indian Company?

4. Nintendo:Mario as Sonic: ???

5. "Chala Change ka Chakkar" [buzzers]?

6. Passat... (buzzers)[ sigh...]

7. Reliance Entertainment sold a 3% stake to whom?

IIT Delhi qualified in the first wild card.

8.Titan, Vodafone and Reliance Energy Limited lost. Who won?

9. Body structure of tata nano has been designed by which NRI Designer's company?

10. "Kya aap 5th pass se zyaada tez hain?" is associated with which actor?

11. Barabarians at the Gate is about?

12. Called the Briley Group, the Joint venture was called BJETS. Which is the other company?

13. Company founded as a thought which occurred to Baba Kalyani?

14. Full form of NTPC. [sigh...]

15, India's first virtual credit card was by?

16. Glenn originally thought of a golf course,but eventually settled for hotdogs and burgers and Mexican food, right next to a McDonalds. Which chain?

MDI Gurgaon went through on the tie-break on Q16.

Some Questions from the Finals:

1. ALL(A little larger) was created for which company?

2. IATA Code BZ.

3. Name of Tata Tea outlets opened recently.

4. Trimotor, one of the first successful airlines in US. Which company ran this 12 seater passenger plane ?

5. Phrase originated from newsletter published by "Arelene and Jose Ramos". It came into use in the printing press industry after 3 years of publishing and was sold to Stanford Research Institute in California. What phrase?

6. What is common to,,, Telephone Marketing programs and Yellow Pages Advertising?

7. Logo of?

8. This Indian Entertainment and distributor was established as Garnet Paper Mills and renamed in 2002. Chairman is Ashok Pamani.

6. Identify [Hint- World of Inventions]

Connect Round ( I will give the answers and spare all of you the trouble, how- you can find out )

1. Hrithik Roshan, Godrej, Vinod Khanna, Imran Khan and audio "Breathless" by Shankar mahadevan. [Cinthol]

2. "The next episode in Entertainment", NAVTEQ, N way, enpacket.[Nokia]

3. Timex, EK,photos of George Eastman and flash structure. [Kodak ]

4. "Just in TIme", Dalgen, photo of Brijmohan Munjal and song from Krrish. [Honda]

Nano Games

1. Celebrity associated with Angel Networks.

2. "Thodi si Pet pooja"- tagline of ?

3. Ninja, Scout, Kids Club are vaieties of?

4. "Eveready Mechanical Pencil made by Us". Which Company?

Answers will be put up soon.[ or you can give your answers in the comments and spare us the bother. :) ]

NSIT Quiz Club via RSS

Yes folks, just cant wait to get your hands on the latest quiz reviews and questions by the NSIT Quiz club, we got just the thing for you. You may now subscribe to the NSIT Quiz Club posts via email too.

Just fill in the email address in the column in the sidebar and all the latest NSIT Quiz Club posts will be delivered fresh to you. Remember you can also unsubscribe any time you want to. Also if email is not your thing, you may subscribe by clicking on the big orange button in the sidebar or below in this post.

It will redirect you to Feedburner who handle your feed. From there you may choose the most appropriate subscription option to subscribe to our RSS feed.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

One Shot

Identify this person.

He was born in 1893 in Russia in a family which had strong Anti-Tsarist tendencies. He got interested in chemistry after he tried to devise a bomb to kill the Czar! He was forced to leave Russia after the Russian Revolution of 1905 and he moved to Zurich, Switzerland where he studied Chemistry. He returned to Russia at the time of World War I but wasn't allowed to join the army. He went on to work in a Military lab where he was awarded the rank of Combrig [Brigade Commander equivalent to a General].
After leaving the army he joined the Laboratory of Biophysics in the USSR Ministry of Health and it was here while looking for an inorganic analog of the citric acid cycle that he came up with his seminal work and practically discovered a new branch of nonlinear dynamic chemical reactions. Unfortunately, his work was rejected by journals on the grounds that "it was impossible". Finally, he published his results in an obscure little non-review journal and thereafter effectively left science. The reactions he discovered are now named after him.

Source: Talk on 'Chemical Clocks' by Narayanan Kurur at IIT Delhi [Tryst, 1st March 2008] and Wikipedia

Sitter Starter!

What is this a map of???

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Infinite Bounce

Just happened upon this and this.

I remember the first time I was introduced to infinite bounce. It was in a school quiz, conducted by college students. We were told that it was the only fair way to play, that it could be (and had been) mathematically proven to be fairer than the standard direct/pass system.

Admittedly, my experience with quizzes conducted on the infinite bounce pattern been has been good (most shady and/or blatantly rigged quizzes, tend to use the direct/pass pattern) for the most part. Still, the system seems arbitrary. Here's why -

One argument for infinite bounce is that it eliminates the scoring bias for direct questions, and ensures that the team which answers the most questions, wins. Agreed. But could this not also be ensured by letting all questions - direct or pass, carry equal marks?

Another argument for infinite bounce is that it introduces randomness in the order of questions, and hence eliminates rigging. This seems a bit fishy. E.g. if the QM is reading out the questions, what is to stop him/her from picking the question to suit the team? One (again, not fool-proof) way to introduce randomness is to let the teams select their own questions, from a given set. Again, this could be implemented in any sort of quiz, not just an infinite bounce one.

The most common (and the most surprising) argument for infinite bounce, is that it ensures that each team has the opportunity to answer the same number of questions. As someone who has sat through several quizzes, watching questions getting passed this way and that, only to be eaten up by the God-like quizzers sitting two teams away, while the lucky team to their side gets first dibs on the next question, I have my reservations. While it may be more efficient for quizzes with 8-10 teams (as the wiki mentions), for Delhi quizzes, with their meagre turnout, it may well be inertia that prevents us from changing.

Please share your views. Also, if someone knows of a proof, please post a link.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008


A very easy one. Who is the man in the center of the frame?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Identify and Connect

As earlier, if you get the individual clues but not the connect, do post in the comments section. It may help others work it out. All text is wiki-lifted :).


2. At the Atlanta premiere of X (the clue), local promoters recruited blacks to dress up as slaves and sing in a "Negro choir" on the steps of a white-columned plantation mansion built for the event. Many black community leaders refused to participate, but a prominent Atlanta preacher A attended, and he brought his 10-year-old son, B, who sang that night in the choir. (A and B are irrelevant to the connect).

3. A is located in the city of Fairview, in the fictional Eagle State. Its appearance reflects the stereotypical view of American suburbia: perfectly manicured lawns, rows of comfortable houses and white picket fences. It is the main setting of X (the clue). (A is irrelevant to the connect).

Additional Clue (1 to 3 identified in the comments)

"We don't want to create embryos just for research. We want to rescue these cells from the garbage...I don't understand how you can be opposed to that. I don't."

The Fingerprint & The Fed

1. In 2005-2007, it was recognized as the "Most Admired" securities firm in Fortune’s "America's Most Admired Companies" survey, and second overall in the security firm section.
NYSE Ticker Symbol: BSC. Identify.

2. Give me the complete title of the book.

3. Connect.


Here is a question that i just made up and am really really tempted to put.... its somewhat vague, but i'll put it anyway, with a hint.
The list shown below is not exhaustive to the connect, but includes the more popular names:

Hint: 3.20682267 years

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Identify and Connect

I was planning to use this in the Moksha AV Quiz, but it was too easy for an open quiz.This is a very stripped down version of the connect. As a result, some connections are vague.

Hint - Shady Actress. Famous relative. Identify the relative.

Additional Info -
"For his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in A(not relevant to connect) and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style."

2. Movie trivia - In the movie, 'The Shawshank Redemption' , when Warden Norton opens the bible where Andy Dufresne hid his rock pick, it opens to the Book of X.

3. Movie trivia - As a publicity stunt for this film, Cecil B. DeMille had public displays and monuments of the X erected around the country. Known as decalogues, most of them were placed in or near government buildings.



Additional Clue (1 to 5 identified in the comments)

Answered by Vivek Krishnan and Abhiram.

Friday, March 14, 2008

One Shot

This man gave the idea in one of his books. Who is he and what was the idea?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


1. What is the umpire signaling?

It harks back to when I was a kid playing village cricket down in Devon... I would usually jump, but maybe hop depending on what time of day it is, how long I've been out there or how hot the weather is... Then I did it in my second Test match at Edgbaston and someone wrote into dear old Brian Johnston on Test Match Special and he let the cat out of the bag... I've been stuck with it ever since!
Identify the speaker. What is he talking about?

3. An insignificant question. Identify.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tata Crucible Campus Edition 2008 - Delhi Round

The questions were okayish. The prizes were definitely good. Harkirat and SMS from IMT Ghaziabad went on to win the Delhi round of Tata Crucible Campus Edition 2008.

Here are the Questions:

1. Which confectionary brand is named after a village near Malegaon, Nasik where its factory was originally based.

2. It is a block that houses addresses in NYC. It is named after a newspaper/media house.

3. Identify the logo -

4. Mehnga Ram works for Beat-All Sports. What is his contribution to Indian Sports?

5. This product was invented in 1846 from healing tea and witch hazel to heal cuts and bruises. Used today commonly as a cosmetic. (Pickbrain: I bet that someone in the hall has one right now.)

6. This automobile company entered the US motorcycle market in 1964. A chart-topping song of 1964 called Little ________ paid tribute to this product. Name the Company.

7. Award winning ad for which brand?

8.The first demo for this 'accessory was carried out in 1968 by Joint Computing in San Francisco. The name was coined at Stanford Research Institute. What?

9. Robert Townsend gave this cheeky ad campaign with a 3 word punchline. It is one of the famous ones in the transportation Industry.

10. Which Indian company or group is associated with Kiwi Shoe Polish?

11. Identify the Brand

12. This management guru is famous for his 14 principles of management. He wrote the book, Administration industrielle et generali which was published in 1917. Who?

13.Which character was named after Mr.Segale, landlord of Nintendo's US Office?

14. Balmer and Lawrie and Co., engaged in packaging of LPG cylinders is a ____ enterprise by?

15. World of travel Accesories. Identify.

16. He is the MD of Labour India Magazine based in Kerala. He is famous because he will be the first Indian to do something. What?(Name of the person is optional)

17. Chaudhry Raghuvendra Singh founded the company in 1946 and in 1961, his son-in-law joined the company and is at the helm of affairs now. Name the Company.

18. Who is the Distributor of the movie "Sunday"? [Audio clip was played from the movie. Hint: it is ________ Entertainment]

19. Identify the product.- Liril Soundtrack

20. Whose ad campaign? [ Video- Happydent White ]

Questions from the Wildcard Rounds:

1. Which newspaper from Times Of India, Indian Express and Hindustan Times had its office inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi?

2. What was inaugurated on 19th November, 1984 by Rajiv Gandhi?

3. Italian fashion giant Armani has a joint Venture with which Indian Company?

4. Nintendo:Mario as Sonic: ???

5. "Chala Change ka Chakkar" [buzzers]?

6. Passat... (buzzers)[ sigh...]

7. Reliance Entertainment sold a 3% stake to whom?

IIT Delhi qualified in the first wild card.

8.Titan, Vodafone and Reliance Energy Limited lost. Who won?

9. Body structure of tata nano has been designed by which NRI Designer's company?

10. "Kya aap 5th pass se zyaada tez hain?" is associated with which actor?

11. Barabarians at the Gate is about?

12. Called the Briley Group, the Joint venture was called BJETS. Which is the other company?

13. Company founded as a thought which occurred to Baba Kalyani?

14. Full form of NTPC. [sigh...]

15, India's first virtual credit card was by?

16. Glenn originally thought of a golf course,but eventually settled for hotdogs and burgers and Mexican food, right next to a McDonalds. Which chain?

MDI Gurgaon went through on the tie-break on Q16.

Some Questions from the Finals:

1. ALL(A little larger) was created for which company?

2. IATA Code BZ.

3. Name of Tata Tea outlets opened recently.

4. Trimotor, one of the first successful airlines in US. Which company ran this 12 seater passenger plane ?

5. Phrase originated from newsletter published by "Arelene and Jose Ramos". It came into use in the printing press industry after 3 years of publishing and was sold to Stanford Research Institute in California. What phrase?

6. What is common to,,, Telephone Marketing programs and Yellow Pages Advertising?

7. Logo of?

8. This Indian Entertainment and distributor was established as Garnet Paper Mills and renamed in 2002. Chairman is Ashok Pamani.

6. Identify [Hint- World of Inventions]

Connect Round ( I will give the answers and spare all of you the trouble, how- you can find out )

1. Hrithik Roshan, Godrej, Vinod Khanna, Imran Khan and audio "Breathless" by Shankar mahadevan. [Cinthol]

2. "The next episode in Entertainment", NAVTEQ, N way, enpacket.[Nokia]

3. Timex, EK,photos of George Eastman and flash structure. [Kodak ]

4. "Just in TIme", Dalgen, photo of Brijmohan Munjal and song from Krrish. [Honda]

Nano Games

1. Celebrity associated with Angel Networks.

2. "Thodi si Pet pooja"- tagline of ?

3. Ninja, Scout, Kids Club are vaieties of?

4. "Eveready Mechanical Pencil made by Us". Which Company?

Answers will be put up soon.[ or you can give your answers in the comments and spare us the bother. :) ]

NSIT Quiz Club via RSS

Yes folks, just cant wait to get your hands on the latest quiz reviews and questions by the NSIT Quiz club, we got just the thing for you. You may now subscribe to the NSIT Quiz Club posts via email too.

Just fill in the email address in the column in the sidebar and all the latest NSIT Quiz Club posts will be delivered fresh to you. Remember you can also unsubscribe any time you want to. Also if email is not your thing, you may subscribe by clicking on the big orange button in the sidebar or below in this post.

It will redirect you to Feedburner who handle your feed. From there you may choose the most appropriate subscription option to subscribe to our RSS feed.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

One Shot

Identify this person.

He was born in 1893 in Russia in a family which had strong Anti-Tsarist tendencies. He got interested in chemistry after he tried to devise a bomb to kill the Czar! He was forced to leave Russia after the Russian Revolution of 1905 and he moved to Zurich, Switzerland where he studied Chemistry. He returned to Russia at the time of World War I but wasn't allowed to join the army. He went on to work in a Military lab where he was awarded the rank of Combrig [Brigade Commander equivalent to a General].
After leaving the army he joined the Laboratory of Biophysics in the USSR Ministry of Health and it was here while looking for an inorganic analog of the citric acid cycle that he came up with his seminal work and practically discovered a new branch of nonlinear dynamic chemical reactions. Unfortunately, his work was rejected by journals on the grounds that "it was impossible". Finally, he published his results in an obscure little non-review journal and thereafter effectively left science. The reactions he discovered are now named after him.

Source: Talk on 'Chemical Clocks' by Narayanan Kurur at IIT Delhi [Tryst, 1st March 2008] and Wikipedia

Sitter Starter!

What is this a map of???