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Monday, March 25, 2013

NSIT Quiz Fest '13 Archives: General Quiz 4

Finals Q4:

"His beloved first wife died early, in 1909, and the younger of his two sons was killed in the First World
War. He also had twin daughters whom he adored. One died giving birth. The surviving twin went to
look after the baby and fell in love with her sister's husband. They married and two years later she died
in childbirth. In 1944, when X was eighty-five, an Allied bomb fell on his house and he lost everything --
papers, diaries, a lifetime of accumulations.  The following year his surviving son was caught in a
conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and executed."
Who is X?

Answer:Max Planck

Monday, March 25, 2013

NSIT Quiz Fest '13 Archives: General Quiz 4

Finals Q4:

"His beloved first wife died early, in 1909, and the younger of his two sons was killed in the First World
War. He also had twin daughters whom he adored. One died giving birth. The surviving twin went to
look after the baby and fell in love with her sister's husband. They married and two years later she died
in childbirth. In 1944, when X was eighty-five, an Allied bomb fell on his house and he lost everything --
papers, diaries, a lifetime of accumulations.  The following year his surviving son was caught in a
conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and executed."
Who is X?

Answer:Max Planck