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Monday, November 03, 2014

101 Rap

Where have you seen/read/heard the following lines?

Where is the library?
My name is T-Bone, the disco spider.
Disco, doll, the library is in the big moustache, dog, lard.
Lard, moustache, big, small, the head is ice cream, beer is good.
Good day, I like cold potatoes, the goat's moustache is Cameron Diaz.


Anonymous said...

Troy and Abed's song in Community.

Unknown said...

That's right. It is indeed the English translation of Abed and Troy's rap from the hit TV show, Community.

Monday, November 03, 2014

101 Rap

Where have you seen/read/heard the following lines?

Where is the library?
My name is T-Bone, the disco spider.
Disco, doll, the library is in the big moustache, dog, lard.
Lard, moustache, big, small, the head is ice cream, beer is good.
Good day, I like cold potatoes, the goat's moustache is Cameron Diaz.


Anonymous said...

Troy and Abed's song in Community.

Unknown said...

That's right. It is indeed the English translation of Abed and Troy's rap from the hit TV show, Community.