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Sunday, December 31, 2006

BAN ki Moon '06

If the value of 'g' was one sixth its value, man could take jump over building”
- Unknown 9th class Physics textbook

  1. A style of comedy, noted for being over the top, usually involving violence. Named after a device used in its earliest incarnations, which, when someone was struck with it, made a loud noise.

  2. Although several US presidents have held office for two terms, only one has done so for two non-consecutive terms. Who?

  3. Who/What/When/Where/Why is 'mathcore'?

  4. The familiar and very popular “AIR FM Radio” theme tune is actually lifted from another song. Whose song?

  5. Johnny Got his Gun is the name of a book written by Dalton Trumbo. In 1971, he directed a movie of the same name. Who owns the rights to this movie?

  6. 'Manda Chuva' in Brazil, 'Temistocle' in Italian,'SuperKater' in German and finally 'Topi Katti' in Finnish. Who/What am I talking about?

  7. An extract from one of my favourite books -

“High up in the North in the land called Svithjod, there stands a rock. It is a hundred miles high and a hundred miles wide. Once every thousand years a little bird comes to the rock to sharpen its beak.

When the rock has thus been worn away, then a single day of eternity will have gone by”

Which book?


Anonymous said...

1. Slapstick
2. Cleveland
5. Metallica
6. Top Cat
7. The Story of Mankind

Jaideep Jagannathan said...

All correct. Guess it was too easy :-)

The one's you didn't answer are -
3. It is a type of metal/prog rock, with unusual rythms and progressions. The instrumental sections are noted for the complexity and 'mathematical' structure.
4. The Doobie brothers

Sunday, December 31, 2006

BAN ki Moon '06

If the value of 'g' was one sixth its value, man could take jump over building”
- Unknown 9th class Physics textbook

  1. A style of comedy, noted for being over the top, usually involving violence. Named after a device used in its earliest incarnations, which, when someone was struck with it, made a loud noise.

  2. Although several US presidents have held office for two terms, only one has done so for two non-consecutive terms. Who?

  3. Who/What/When/Where/Why is 'mathcore'?

  4. The familiar and very popular “AIR FM Radio” theme tune is actually lifted from another song. Whose song?

  5. Johnny Got his Gun is the name of a book written by Dalton Trumbo. In 1971, he directed a movie of the same name. Who owns the rights to this movie?

  6. 'Manda Chuva' in Brazil, 'Temistocle' in Italian,'SuperKater' in German and finally 'Topi Katti' in Finnish. Who/What am I talking about?

  7. An extract from one of my favourite books -

“High up in the North in the land called Svithjod, there stands a rock. It is a hundred miles high and a hundred miles wide. Once every thousand years a little bird comes to the rock to sharpen its beak.

When the rock has thus been worn away, then a single day of eternity will have gone by”

Which book?


Anonymous said...

1. Slapstick
2. Cleveland
5. Metallica
6. Top Cat
7. The Story of Mankind

Jaideep Jagannathan said...

All correct. Guess it was too easy :-)

The one's you didn't answer are -
3. It is a type of metal/prog rock, with unusual rythms and progressions. The instrumental sections are noted for the complexity and 'mathematical' structure.
4. The Doobie brothers